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Comprehensive metabolic blood test with CBC (Immune panel)

Our comprehensive blood test encompasses an in depth look at a broad range of body system functions.

Metabolic Chem Screen

  • Assesses your overall general health of organs, and systems

  • Determines Liver & Kidney performance

  • Checks for inflammation, diabetic trends, diabetes, and hypo-hyperthyroid disorders

  • Determines energy & metabolic issues

  • Looks at electrolyte, protein, & glucose levels

  • Identifies both pernicious & hemolytic anemia trends

  • Denotes chemical imbalances & general inflammatory markers-

CBC Blood Test

Simple & affordable testing 7 types of cells found in the blood identifying the following:

  • Red blood cell count

  • White blood cell count

  • Diseases of the immune system & blood cancers

  • Infection & Specific Inflammatory markers

  • Metabolic Disorders

  • Leukemia 

Additional Recommended Tests

CRP: Shows acute or chronic injury or conditions, bacterial or viral infections, IBS, RA, Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis 


Homocysteine: An amino acid produced where inflammation is present. Used to diagnose B6, B9, B12 & Folate deficiencies.  

High homocysteine may indicate increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Hashimotos, Cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimers,Parkinsons, Atherosclerosis, Metabolic Syndrome, or autoimmune disorders. 


Vitamin D: often referred to as the "sunshine" happy inducing vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency may show up as;  Increased illnesses or infections, excessive tiredness or chronic fatigue, hair loss, muscle & lower back pain, depression or low mood, slow healing.


Ca 19-9: Cancer tumor marker blood test


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